Nobel prize season!


It’s that time of the year again. Speculations abound. The first place to look is Thomson/Reuters who put out predictions largely based on citations and gut feeling. They have been right at least sometimes

However, first on their list are Barton, Giese and Schuster, for their works about electron charge transfer along pi-stacked nucleobases if I recall correctly. I really don’t think so, and not just the word “controversial” pops up whenever the topic is discussed.

Then there’s Ben List of MPI Mülheim. He is one of several chemists who contributed to asymmetric organic catalysis. Also, a catalysis Nobel would also send a strong message concerning the ever-growing contribution of advanced catalysis to the well-being of mankind. If List gets it, he will probably share with Macmillan.

Thomson/Reuters also floats Grätzel, who invented silicon-free photovoltaics and will, by the way, be a plenary speaker at EuCheMS 2010. Though I like the idea of having the latest laureate in Nürnberg, I don’t think Grätzel will win it this year or even within the next decade. Derek Lowe seems to think of him as a likely choice.

The Chem Blog has single-molecule spectroscopy as front-runner, which sounds far more reasonable than the Thomson/Reuters selection, but my money is on Palladium catalysis. Suzuki will share it with Heck. This one is not just uncontroversial, it should have been awarded a long time ago.

At the very least I think the prize will stay in classical chemistry this year. After the GFP people won their Nobel, the molecular scientists will have to wait at the sidelines this year.

OK, floor’s open. What’s your pick?

4 Responses to “Nobel prize season!”

  1. olchemist Says:

    Grätzel is quite a character. I cannot imagine, that he has too many friends in the community. They actually recorded his presentation at the European Conference of Molecular Electronics. Only his, although Jean-Marie Lehn was also there and he already got the prize.

    Anyhow, I would like Giese to win it, because I see him quite often. Then I can brag about it ;o)

  2. Lars Fischer Says:

    “Quite a character” really is something close to a death sentence when it comes to Nobel prizes. But I really think it’s too early for Grätzel.

  3. David Eckensberger Says:

    I personally would say Benjamin List.

    It would honor the important field of asymmetric organic catalysis but would prevent another metal-based catalysis. I think, Heck and Suzuki are somewhat to close (at least chronological) to Chauvin, Grubbs and Schrock. Gratzel would deserve it as well, but just like oldchemist said: “He’s quite a character.”

  4. Dominik Margraf Says:

    Well, looks we’ve all guessed wrong. The nice thing about Venki Ramakrishnan is (apart from his science) that we lately hosted him in our group. Now I can brag about having given a short presentation in front of 10 group members and a nobel laureate… how cool is this?

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